Integrated Lifesaving Support to Internally Displaced Persons in Greater Baggari
This emergency project focus is to empower conflict affected communities through inclusive approaches in FSL, WASH, Disaster Risk Reduction and conflict sensitivity, to save lives, uplift dignity, and restore hope amongst the women, men, girls and boys of the Greater Baggari. The intended impact is to have vulnerable, conflict-affected women, men, girls and boys in the Greater Baggari Region, lead more secure, dignified lives and have increased resilience and preparedness to ongoing and future shocks and stresses.
The project has 3 objectives:
- To ensure that the needs of communities affected by conflicts in protracted crises are met in a way that restores livelihoods, maintains dignity, and builds resilience.
- To reduce and respond to the risk of violence in target communities by identifying and tackling the root causes of conflict and violence and promoting transparent and inclusive peace building processes.
- To empower target communities to anticipate and adapt to crises and risks related to conflict, violence and the environment in an inclusive and equitable way by taking organised action to increase their resilience.
- 600 highly vulnerable households have improved food consumption score, dietary diversity and increased household income through provision of farming inputs and unconditional cash grants.
- Vulnerable HHs have improved access to safe water, and people are aware of key public health risks related to water, sanitation and hygiene, and can adopt individual, household and community measures to reduce them. Achieved through: • 20 non-functional boreholes have been repaired & rehabilitated (6 in Ngodakalla, 3 in Farajalla, 7 in Ngisa, 4 in Mboro) • The boreholes are now fully functional and approximately 1667 HHs (10,000 individuals) now access safe and portable water for household consumption • 4 Water User Committees have been formed while 16 existing WUCs are already identified for training next week • 8 pump mechanics (Male= 6, Female=2) have been identified and trained on the maintenance of Mark II & III Indian pumps.
- Communities are engaging in peace building/conflict transformation processes at local level leading to resolution of local level conflicts and are linked to regional and national initiatives.
- Community members have an increased capacity to anticipate, prevent, prepare for and adapt to stresses and shocks.